
Laurie Herring, a student from Norwich, was a young man with a critical mind and an engaging prose style. Laurie genuinely loved literature and writing – and films, and music, and art – and the opportunities that such expression gives us all to communicate with, and understand, each other. And to respond critically, but respectfully, if needed.

Laurie sadly passed away, aged 18, in May 2021. 

The Laurie Herring Prize for Critical Response has been established in memory of Laurie, to provide a space for young people to engage critically with the world around them, to give them the confidence to express their views freely and without censure, and through that to open their minds to new thoughts and ideas. 

The competition is open to students from Y7 to Y13.

Closing date

10th February 2025 at 0900.

Entry is free. One entry per person.